respect for the diversity of views

Fakt Fundation

Privileges can not be separated from duties. You can not enjoy the position of the largest newspaper without the simultaneous challenge of the most humane of all: effective help to people completely defenseless. Therefore, next to the newspaper Fakt, the Foundation for the Facts “Heart for Children” was founded. Since we create the power of the media, we also have a moral duty to do good.

here are such whims of the evil fate that in the heart of ordinary people are the most rebellious. Why tragedy meets innocent children, whole families that barely tie the end to the end or the elderly and so weak that they do not even have the strength to despair ?!

We ask God for it, but the answer lies within us. It depends on us whether the fate of one’s neighbor will change. How many times as journalists have we described stories and tried to help in situations that would break many.

These faces filled with suffering will be remembered forever … Mother looking as her several months old baby dying hand and foot that knows that special prosthesis would not always be a very rich man. An honest family with five children standing on the ruins of their home. An elderly lady who is too poor to even die is hardly breathing.

This moment in which they lose their last hope is the moment when all their lives have fallen like a house of cards. The Fakt Foundation we have established has to come to the aid of such persons on time. Before it’s too late.

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