September 2, 2024

Blic was the most visited Serbian website in August for the 152 nd month in a row

  • Blic is the most visited Serbian portal every month for more than 12 years in a row
  • Blic is the only website that is visited by more than a million people from Serbia on average every day
  • Blic’s sections News, Entertainment, Sport, Belgrade… dominate in comparison to the competition
  • With more than 63.5 million visits in August, Blic was convincingly ahead of the competition – by as much as 2.9 million

For exactly 152 months in a row, or more than 12 and a half years, Blic is the most visited Serbian portal, according to the latest official data on website visits for August 2024.

During August, on average, more than one million people from Serbia visited Blic every day – exactly 1,037,037 on average.

Average number of daily users in August 2024

Since the beginning of the official Gemius research in Serbia more than 12 years ago, no portal has ever been more visited than Blic.

The data on readership are the latest results of the official Gemius survey on visits to Serbian internet portals for August, publicly available on the GemiusAudience website.

Blic is the first choice of Serbia in August as well

Blic was visited by a total of 3,133,008 unique users (real users) from Serbia in August, which is as much as 71 percent of the total Serbian internet population. Blic is followed by Kurir with as many as 134,208 fewer users, followed by Telegraf, Mondo…

Top 5 media portals in August 2024

In August, an average of 1,037,037 users from Serbia read Blic every day (average daily real users) and Blic is the only site with a million daily average visits. Behind Blic is Kurir with as many as 144,579 fewer daily visitors.

In August, Blic had more than 63.5 million visits, convincingly above the competition by 2.9 million.

Number of unique users in August 2024

Blic news by far the most widely read

Blic is the most trusted media and people turn to Blic for reliable news when it matters most. Proof of that is the fact that Blic’s News section was by far the most visited in August with 2,173,392 users from Serbia.

Info section

Number of unique users in August 2024

That’s 470,736 users more than the next closest competitor. It is almost like our two largest cities after Belgrade – Novi Sad and Niš – put together.

Blic Entertainment victory

Blic Entertainment has been the most visited entertainment section on the Serbian Internet for years -without any competition!

In August, Blic Entertainment was visited by as many as 1,925,280 users from Serbia, which is 633,120 more than the next closest competitor.

Entertainment section
Number of unique users in August 2024

That’s roughly the same as three of our largest cities after Belgrade – Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac put together!

Sport = Sportal

In the category of sports portals, continued its dominance in August with 1,789,968 users, which is once again unattainable difference compared to the competition. The first follower in August had 1,385,520 unique users, which is 404,448 fewer!

Number of unique users in August 2024

Belgrade in a Flash continues to dominate

In August, Blic’s city section, Belgrade in a Flash (Beograd na Blic), dominates, with as many as 996,528 unique users!

The next competitor had only 328,464, which is 668,064 fewer users!

Belgrade in a Flash
Number of unique users in August 2024

Belgrade in a Flash is a city column that informs the residents of Belgrade every day about the most important news in the capital – from service information to election news – but it is also a place where readers can read numerous interesting facts and life confessions of the people of Belgrade.

PulsOnline the most read entertainment site is traditionally the leader in the category of independent entertainment portals, with as many as 1,050,192 unique users in August.
Number of unique users in August 2024

With that result, PulsOnline also took the excellent 18th place on the overall list of all the most read websites in Serbia!

Portal continues its leadership streak

Leading position in August for the specialised real estate portal –, which continued to dominate in its category of websites.
Number of unique users in August 2024 had 508,368 users in August, leaving behind the portal 4zida for an incredible 353,520 users! This portal had only 154,848 users in August.

Ž is the most visited by two important parameters

Portal Ž was visited by the most readers from Serbia on average every day in August. With 309,343 users, we were ahead of our main competitor, which had 272,168 (daily average real users).

Daily average real users in August 2024

Ž also dominated in terms of the total number of visits during July with 13.8 million, while the second-placed site had nearly two million fewer visits.

Portal Ž was the most visited women’s portal for 28 days out of a total of 31 in August, and the total number of unique users who visited the favourite lifestyle digital destination in Serbia was 1,900,848.

Number of visits in August 2024

Our culinary subdomain was the most visited culinary website in Serbia with 250,704 unique users per month.