September 18, 2024

BLIC TV DEBATE: Green Transition in Serbia

The Blic TV debate titled “Green Transition” aired on Blic Television on September 18.

During two one-and-a-half-hour discussions on the topics “Mining in Serbia: A Curse or a Blessing?” and “Is Sustainable and Responsible Mining Possible?”, representatives of the Serbian Government, along with foreign and domestic experts in the fields of mining, ecology, and geology, exchanged opinions.

The debate was opened by Serbia’s Prime Minister, Miloš Vučević.

In the first session, on the topic “Mining in Serbia: A Curse or a Blessing?”, the views were presented by Sara Pavkov, State Secretary at the Ministry of Environmental Protection; Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Cvjetić, full professor at the Faculty of Mining and Geology and an expert on environmental protection; and Vladislav Marinković, a hydrogeological engineer.

In the second discussion, addressing the possibility of sustainable and responsible mining, participants included Ana Brnabić, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia; Michael Schmidt, Senior Geologist at the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA); Florian Anderhuber, Director of Energy and Climate at the European Association of Mining Industries, Metals and Minerals (Euromines); and Prof. Dr. Michael Tost, Head of the Department of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics at the University of Leoben, Austria.

The debate was broadcast on the “Blic TV” channel, with a live stream and blog available on the website