Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Rules and Terms of Use for the Site ringier.rs

Terms of Use

By using this website, you agree to these Terms of Use and the legally binding relationship that is established between you as a User and Ringier Serbia d.o.o. Belgrade, the owner of this website. By accepting these Terms of Use, you give your unconditional and irrevocable consent to comply with these Terms of Use when using the service.

The following terms used in these Terms of Use have the following meanings:

  • “Service” refers to making available to the User the Content published on the site for personal and non-commercial purposes;
  • “Company” refers to Ringier Serbia d.o.o. Belgrade – Stari Grad, Kosovska 10, Belgrade – Stari Grad, CRN: 17134990, TIN: 100000889;
  • “User” means individuals or entities, whether domestic or foreign, who use the Service, regardless of the type of device used, time of access, duration of use, or the physical or electronic address from which the site is accessed;
  • “Content” includes text, scripts, graphics, images, sounds, video, audiovisual combinations, interactive features, and other materials published on the site, regardless of the form of communication to the User;
  • “Site” refers to the website “ringier.rs” published at www.ringier.rs and owned by Ringier Serbia d.o.o.;
  • “User Data” refers to data about users that is automatically collected during the use of the Service and access to Content, as well as data that the User personally provides to the Company;
  • “Cookies” are small text files transferred to electronic equipment through which the User accesses Content during the provision of the Service.

All content published on the site is the exclusive property of Ringier Serbia and/or its affiliates, and/or its business partners, and may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes.

The Content of the site and all parts of the Content represent protected copyright belonging to Ringier Serbia or are protected by third-party copyright laws that have transferred the usage rights to Ringier Serbia. By using the Content, you do not acquire ownership of any part of the Content you access.

Intellectual property, including all protected trademarks, logos, texts, data, photographs, and/or graphics, as well as all Content available on the site, is the exclusive property of Ringier Serbia or third parties who have transferred usage rights to Ringier Serbia.

Reproduction, copying, public display, or distribution of Content or any part of the Content from the site without prior written approval or consent from Ringier Serbia is not allowed, except where specific Content indicates that such actions are permitted.

Violation of the Terms of Use, including unauthorized use of Content such as reproduction, copying, broadcasting, or making it available in any other way through any medium, constitutes an infringement of these rights under the applicable laws of the Republic of Serbia and is subject to civil and criminal liability.

All disputes between the contracting parties arising from the use of the Service shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Serbia, and in the event of any dispute, the jurisdiction of the courts in Belgrade is agreed upon. Ringier Serbia reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice and will not be liable for any consequences arising from changes to the Terms of Use. Changes to the Terms of Use take effect at the moment they are published on the site.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

The content on the site and/or application, or any part of such Content, cannot be considered an offer or invitation to purchase any assets or rights, nor can it be considered sufficient information for making significant personal, financial, or business decisions.

All Content, including intellectual property, as well as published information, opinions, analyses, conclusions, forecasts, and projections, is subject to change. Ringier Serbia reserves the right to modify or remove Content at any time, at its discretion.

By accepting these Terms of Use, you agree and understand that the Content is provided to Users as-is, in the form it is made available, with all possible errors and without any express or implied warranties regarding the quality or quantity of Content or the operation of the site. Ringier Serbia does not guarantee that the service provided through the site will be error-free or uninterrupted, and reliance on the functioning of the Service is at the User’s own risk.

Ringier Serbia will not be liable for any malfunction of the Service, nor for any disturbances, delays, or interruptions in its operation caused by factors beyond the Company’s control that could not be predicted, prevented, or avoided, including but not limited to: suspension of work, strikes, accidents, technical malfunctions, program or communication (software or hardware) failures, social unrest, wars, decisions of authorities, etc. The Company will make its best efforts in accordance with business practices to ensure the Service functions smoothly as soon as possible in such cases.

You understand and agree that Ringier Serbia is not responsible for any damage (material or immaterial, direct or indirect, actual or future) or any losses or lost profits that may arise from: the malfunction of the service or the site; the inability to use the site; site performance; any errors or omissions in the site’s operation; or any damage to computers, mobile devices, or other equipment or technology of any user that arises in connection with the use of the site, including but not limited to damage from any security breach, privacy issue, computer virus, error, fraud, operational interruption, device or network failure, or any other disruptions including but not limited to data loss, malfunctions, or device faults.

User Obligations

Photographs on this website are protected by copyright and may only be used for private and editorial purposes. Commercial use of images (even in modified form) is allowed only with prior written consent from Ringier Serbia. All images used, altered, copied, or electronically modified for editorial purposes must be published with a source attribution (© Ringier Serbia) and a link to the source. Reproduction and publication of our photographs in accordance with these provisions is free of charge. If published in print media, we request a copy; if published in film or electronic media, we require notification to our Communications Department via email at: komunikacije@ringier.rs.

The Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy are integral parts of these Terms of Use, and you can access their content here.