Data Privacy

Data Privacy

By accessing and using this website, Ringier Serbia doo Belgrade does not collect or process your personal data. In case of any processing of your personal data, you will be timely informed, and the following rules will apply to such processing of personal data.

The company Ringier Serbia, whose website or application you are using, respects your right to privacy as a user of our services. This Privacy Policy informs you of any personal data we may collect, why we collect it, how we use it, how we process it, and your rights and how you can exercise them. We ensure that the personal data of our Users is processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the laws of the Republic of Serbia as well as the applicable provisions of the European Union directive. The Privacy Policy applies to all services and products that involve the processing of personal data. Our Privacy Policy allows you to learn how we process personal data when you use the site and/or application, primarily including:

  • Who is the controller of your personal data;
  • What data we process and for what purpose;
  • On what basis we process the data;
  • How long we process the data;
  • What are the rights of our users regarding the processing of personal data;
  • With whom we share the data.

Personal Data Controller

The controller of your personal data is the company Ringier Serbia doo Belgrade-Stari grad, ul. Kosovska br. 10, MB: 17134990 (hereinafter: Ringier Serbia), which is the controller and processor of the data, and whose website or application you use. What does this mean? By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you consent to Ringier Serbia collecting and processing the collected personal data and deciding on the purposes and methods of processing your personal data, i.e., how your data will be used.

What Data We Process and For What Purpose

We may collect and process your personal data to enable access to certain content or to fulfill legal obligations.

When you visit and use our site solely for informational purposes, i.e., without registering or providing your personal data in any other way, we collect only the personal data transmitted by your internet browser, which is technically necessary to display our site and ensure stability and security.

Only after your explicit consent to the use of data, will your data be stored and used for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. Access to the data is only available to authorized persons of Ringier Serbia.

The purpose of collecting the mentioned personal data is to fulfill the legal obligations that Ringier Serbia, as the controller of your data, has under the Law on Personal Data Protection, as well as to achieve the legitimate interests of the Company and our trusted partners.

Based on your voluntary consent for processing by Ringier Serbia, you also provide us with your personal data for recording browsing history on the website, including the setting of cookies on your device (see the Cookie Policy further).

On What Basis We Process Data

The legal basis for processing personal data is your consent as the data subject, the execution of contractual obligations, and the legitimate interest of the controller from Article 12 of the Law on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter: LPDP).

How Long We Process Data

Your data will be processed until:

  • the moment of revoking consent for processing, restriction, or other actions limiting the given consent,
  • if the basis for data processing is our legitimate interest, until an objection or revocation of consent is submitted,
  • for tax and accounting purposes to the extent and within the period in accordance with other applicable regulations.

What Are Your Rights in Case of Personal Data Processing?

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council applicable since 25.05.2018) and the Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 87/2018), you have the following rights concerning the processing of personal data by us, including processing by our trusted partners:

  • the right to access your data, including obtaining a copy of the data,
  • the right to request data correction,
  • the right to data deletion,
  • the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority for personal data protection,
  • the right to restrict data processing.

If your data is processed based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your previously given consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If your data is processed based on consent or for contractual purposes (necessary for providing the service), you have the right to data portability.

The right to data portability means the right to receive your personal data previously provided to the Company in a commonly used and electronically readable format and the right to transmit such data to another controller.

You have the right to correct personal data, i.e., you have the right to request the correction of your inaccurate personal data, as well as the right to complete incomplete personal data, including providing an additional statement.

The right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) means your right to delete your personal data in the following cases:

  • when your personal data is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected or otherwise processed,
  • when you withdraw the consent on which the processing of personal data was based for one or more purposes, and there is no other legal basis for processing,
  • when you object to the processing of data in accordance with the Law, and there is no other legal basis for processing that prevails over the legitimate interest, right, or freedom of the data subject,
  • when your personal data is unlawfully processed, and
  • when we must delete personal data to comply with our legal obligations in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia.

You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in the following cases:

  • when you dispute the accuracy of personal data, we will restrict processing for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of personal data;
  • when the processing of your personal data is unlawful, and you oppose the deletion of data and instead request the restriction of their processing;
  • when there is no longer a need to process your personal data, and you request that we continue processing to submit, exercise, or defend your legal claims; and
  • when you object to processing based on Article 37, paragraph 1 of the Law on Personal Data Protection, awaiting confirmation of whether there are legal grounds for processing personal data that prevail over your interests, rights, or freedoms or are related to the submission, exercise, or defense of a legal claim.

Right to Object

You have the right to object, meaning you have the right to file an objection to the Company regarding the processing of personal data. When you object, the Company is no longer allowed to process your personal data unless there are legal grounds for processing that prevail over your interests, rights, or freedoms or are related to the submission, exercise, or defense of a legal claim.

We will act upon your request to exercise rights regarding your personal data within 30 days. This period may be extended by another 60 days in justified cases.

The supervisory authority for personal data protection in the Republic of Serbia is the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15, Belgrade (hereinafter: the Commissioner).

You have the right to file a complaint with the Commissioner if you believe that data processing is conducted contrary to the provisions of the Law. Filing a complaint with the Commissioner does not affect the right to initiate other administrative or judicial protection procedures. The Commissioner is obliged to inform you about the course of the procedure, the results, and the right to initiate court proceedings in accordance with Article 83 of the Law. The complaint is submitted in writing, either directly or electronically on the Complaint form, by mail to the above address, or by email to:

How Can You Exercise Your Rights?

How to contact us regarding personal data? For the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights related to processing, you can contact us at the following address:


Address: Kosovska 10, 11 000 Belgrade, with the note “Personal Data Processing”

Personal Data Protection Officer: Darko Kostić,

With Whom We Share Data?

Your data may be transferred to our trusted partners who process personal data on our behalf, including IT providers, marketing agencies, and other trusted partners. In the case of data transfer, we will require our trusted partners to maintain the confidentiality and security of the data and to implement appropriate measures to ensure the protection of personal data.

Your data may also be forwarded to other legal entities authorized to process data based on the applicable laws of the Republic of Serbia.

Cookie Policy for Websites and Applications

For the use and access to this website, Ringier Serbia does not use cookies. In case of any use of cookies for accessing this website, the following rules will apply.

On our websites and applications, we use internet tags, such as files, e.g., cookies, or local storage, for collecting and processing personal data to personalize content and ads, as well as analyzing website, application, and internet traffic. In this way, this technology is also used by our trusted partners who want to ensure that the displayed ads meet your needs.


We use the Cookie Policy and other similar technologies on all our websites and applications, including:

(hereinafter collectively referred to as: “Ringier Serbia Products”)

By using the Ringier Serbia Products, through the proper settings of your browser, you agree to the use of cookies and other similar technologies in accordance with the Cookie Policy. If you do not agree with the use of cookies or similar technologies, or if you want to limit the scope of their use, you need to adjust your settings accordingly (as mentioned above).

What are cookies?

A cookie is a simple text file stored in the web browser while a user is browsing a website.

Cookies typically contain the name of the website from which the user is visiting the site, and the existence of the cookie generates a unique number used to identify the browser that requires a connection to the site. This policy also applies to other similar technologies used on the websites and applications of Ringier Serbia.

Other similar technologies are used to ensure the optimal use of your data, for example, local storage, which is used to store data recorded during the use of services in a special section (browser memory). Access to data in Local Storage can only be obtained on the website from which the data was saved in the browser. Data in Local Storage is kept even after the browser is closed.

For what purpose do we use cookies or other similar technologies?

Ringier Serbia uses cookies or other similar technologies for the following purposes:

  • To make our websites and applications work faster and easier to use,
  • To optimize content and appropriately place advertising messages, in line with the expectations and interests of the Users,
  • To collect statistics that allow us to understand how the websites are used (including the services of our application) and to improve functionality and content.

Types of Cookies Used on Ringier Serbia Products pages:

Session Cookies – are stored on the device only while you are using the Ringier Serbia web pages;

Persistent Cookies – remain on your device until the defined lifespan of the cookie expires or until you delete them in your browser.

Purpose and Use of Cookies:

Cookies are used to identify users, to display relevant information that matches the user’s interests.

Security Support Mechanisms that prevent fraud:

They are necessary for the proper functioning of the pages and the display of Ringier Serbia Products content, allowing you to navigate through them.

Improving Functionality

Remembering your settings and choices (e.g., Username, region where you are located, preferences, language, and communication history) to provide you with more relevant content and services. Cookies also allow you to watch videos, use social media tools, and help you fill out forms.

To improve functionality, Ringier Serbia Products use data about activities on our websites, geolocation data, and demographic data – this data is aggregated to create a segment of group user behavior, which does not identify individual personal data of users in any way.

Do we use third-party cookies or similar technologies?

Yes, and by using the Ringier Serbia websites, you may receive cookies from our trusted partners.